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Police Cars


National Police Misconduct Registry & Database 

The NCOPP is an open forum for reporting & recording community sourced data related to inappropriate and illegal behavior or actions by our police.

File a complaint or record an incident by filling the form below. The data you submit is recorded, maintained and monitored by community members like yourself.

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The goal of The National Committee of Policing Police is to encourage any and all complaints against our police and collect that data on a national level. The NCOPP is committed to collecting and using our data to effect change within our police departments.

When I saw the "rap sheets" of the officers involved in George Floyds murder, something occurred to me. Those are only documented incidents, how many more might there have been if community members and police officers had a safe space to report even the seemingly smallest infraction? 

From an insensitive joke to sexual harassment, from inappropriate behavior to brutal force, The NCOPP aims to document ALL complaints against police.  The NCOPP does not discriminate, police officers and community members are encouraged to utilize the NCOPP forum with the option to do so anonymously. 

- Founder, NCOPP

Home: Who We Are


Change the way police interact with their communities

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Image by Katt Yukawa
Image by AJ Colores


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Home: What We Do

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"

William James

William James founded the philosophical school of pragmatism, which holds that the meaning of an idea is to be sought in its practical effects, that the function of thought is to guide action, and that truth is to be tested by the practical consequences of belief.

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File a complaint or record an incident by filling the form below. The NCOPP does not sell or share personal information such as name & email. The data you submit is recorded, maintained and monitored by community members like yourself.

Thanks for submitting!

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